Everything you need in one software

An application for organization and structure. For storage, which informs and in which you can also find data and documents!

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Time is money

Don’t waste time searching! In our application, relevant information and documents are just a mouse click away!

Make your data work for you

Only what you really need! But everything important in direct access!

Structure makes work easier

All information is always where you expect it to be!

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Transformation by itself

Modular application based on the M365 platform enables an easy way of digitization

World-class customer support

Our support offer (Bronze, Silver and Gold) supports you with different response times, depending on your needs.

Save time and money

High availability, low operating costs thanks to the Microsoft cloud and flexibility for expansion

Starting with Digitence is easier than anything

It doesn’t matter in which department the beginning of digitization starts. Getting started is child’s play with our business solution. An expansion in other departments is possible without any problems.

Whether self-taught, or with our support. You will always find your optimal entry into the Digitence 365 board. Solution examples help to map the most diverse requirements and thus digitally integrate a large number of application areas!

We would be happy to accompany you in your transformation! Needs-based, targeted and individual!

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Partnership with Digitence

Are you interested in collaborating with Digitence? We would be happy to introduce you to our company and our vision for a partnership with you.

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Demo request

We would be happy to present our solution to you in more detail and work with you to develop various application scenarios in your company.

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